CORPORATE - kunst til virksomheder
A company’s environment tell the story of who you are, why you’re here and where you’re headed. Let your next artpiece be a strong testiment to precisely your values, a celebration of your accomplishments and the invitation of the future you’re headed towards.
Co-creation, how does it work?
I accept special assignments and develop customer specific artworks designed in alignment with company values and objectives. If you’re a DGNB-certified firm, there are many exciting sustainable choices, such as 3D prints in clay or corn extracted materials. Please use the box down below for inquiries of any kind
Mulighederne er mange: laserskæring, gravering, pulverlakering i utallige farver, eluxering m.v.
Repræsenterer du en DGNB-certificeret virksomhed? Kunstværker kan produceres i bæredygtige materialer, bl.a. i 3D print af ler og materialer udvundet på majs. Der er mange spændende løsninger.
Brug boksen her nederst på siden for alle former for forespørgsler – eller ring på 6070 6800.
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