

I never leave my home without pen and paper. When an idea strikes me I gladly takes notes and sketch. Sometimes its end up as a book.

However relevant for you in different phases of your life, please find writings of both professional and personal relevance on this page. They all embrace ’honoring self-expression’ by its core.

I’m constantly on the move, so if you’d like to learn more about a particular book, perhaps an interview, a speech or a workshop could be arranged. Let’s see.



Mayaa er en stræbsom og stilfuld fraskilt kvinde i 50’erne, der netop har mistet sin far. I forsøget på at flygte fra de mareridt, der opstår efter hans begravelse, forærer Mayaa prompte sin seng til naboerne og genoptager både arbejde og træningsrutine. Vi følger Mayaas liv over få uger, hvor hun løbende møder personer og situationer, der på forskellig vis bliver konfrontationer med hendes sorg over den relation, hun aldrig fik til sin far –  og til sig selv – mens han levede. Konfrontationer, hun ikke kan arbejde sig ud af eller løbe fra.
En smuk nyindkøbt ramme bliver til et spejl, der tvinger hende til at se sig selv og sine relationer i øjnene, og en forretningsrejse til Lyon bliver en rejse hjem til hende selv. Gennem dialoger med sit eget spejlbillede og akkompagneret af brudstykker af musik og kunst peger fortællingen om Mayaa på livets Sandhedsserum – universelle eksistentielle temaer såsom kvaliteten af vores relationer og samtaler, retten til vores personlige frihed og konsekvenserne af de valg, vi træffer.
– Jeg har lært, at hvis det stadig gør ondt, er der fortsat noget at kigge på. Nu sagde han endelig noget og tiltede hovedet let mod hende. - Sandheden vil dig det godt. Endnu engang gik samtalen i en retning, hun ikke havde ventet.
Resten af vejen frem til hotellet havde ingen af dem lyst til at sige noget. Mayaa trak først sin arm til sig, da de sagde godnat og aftalte at ses til morgenbordet syv timer senere.
På værelset lagde hun kyndigt de ting, hun ikke skulle bruge næste dag ned i kufferten. I morgen fløj de hjem til Danmark igen.
Døren på badeværelset stod let på klem, og lige inden hun slukkede lyset, fangede Mayaa blikket i spejlet.
– Fik du kysset livet i dag, min skat? ”

Etablering af en Money Mastery Study Group for at HEALE mit forhold til PENGE


Your relationship with money influence how you run your finances. How you feel about rich people and getting rich yourself will either support your path to wealth or will sabotage your financial freedom. If you’re like most of us, you’re not satisfied. How can we change that? What will heal our relationship with money?

Follow the journey of a studygroup in the pursuit of healing their relationship with money to acquire much more of them. Learn from their quest from where they could never go back.

Personal stories including:

’I never trust anyone when it comes to money’

He rolled the banknotes neatly and kept them in a round container in his room. His mother knew about the money. And one day she took the money without telling him. A considerable amount of money for a child that age. He never saw that money again. Now he’s over 50.


’I was so afraid of what that damn money would do to me’

Knowing all the charities she felt so strong about to help people in need, it made such an impact on me, and at that moment I knew I had to write this book. I knew that I had to open up and let people in on our journey. We were on the startingpoint of becoming money masterful in each our own way...

The 101 Questions You NEED to Ask Yourself to Improve Your Life


Embark on the journey for the life you’ve envisioned, with the high quality questions you need to ask to fulfill the life that you’re meant to live. It’s designed to assist you creating your world. Its 101 questions will propel you directly to your dreams and desires, as they´ll guide your actions, helping you manifest your personal truth.

It’s practical, it’s EASY and most of all it’s profitable as soon as you get started.


A short E-BOOK on how to make your mind work for you to achieve your GOALS, fulfill your DREAMS and accomplish your inner DESIRES.

By asking yourself the 101 questions, you’ll be leading your own thoughts, managing your life in a guided and resourceful way. The book is divided into different areas of interest so you can jump right into the area of most importance to you currently. Later on, you can use some of the other sections, when those areas in your life becomes important.

Small size - BIG impact.